Halloween is one of the greatest nights as a kid (hellooo ... free candy!) but there is no reason why mature married couples can't get in on the fun, with or without kids. Here are some tips on how you can turn Halloween in a fun yearly reminder to spend some sexy quality time with your spouse
Dressing up
Once the kids are in bed, make a couple tradition to dress up and role play on Halloween night. You can make the activity fun by either going with a set theme or storyline, or by setting a price limit and buying each other a costume to wear. There a many different activities and ideas online to suit every taste and effort / fantasy level. Think of sexy things to do or find games to play while in dress-up mode; there are endless fun possibilities especially if you both get into character.

Make a XXX trick'or'treat bag
Fill a small bag full with Halloween candy and label / tape different fun or sexy things to do with or to your partner on the candy wrapper. Take turns drawing from the bag, eat the candy and then do the described activity. You can also find creative uses for certain candies on your partner's body and throw your favorite sex toys into the mix as well.
Watch a scary movie together wearing next to nothing
Cuddle under a comfortable blanket in your underwear / lingerie while watching a scary movie in the dark. It'll bring you back to the good old dating days of having some hanky-panky in the back row of a movie theatre, except this time you don't have to worry about getting busted. Grab the popcorn, fire up Netflix and pick a movie like The Cabin in the Woods or Interview With The Vampire for a mix of scary and sultry scenes that will have your hearts racing and gripping each other tightly. Don't feel like having a heart attack? Go with the romantic zombie comedy Warm Bodies.

Got kids? Halloween sleepovers are fun both kids and parents
Pair up with another couple and alternate Halloween years to have both sets of kids trick'or'treat together in one group and sleep over at one couple's house. It's un for the kids to go in a large group and alternate neighbourhoods. The main advantage for the adults is the "free" couple can go out for a date on a night where restaurants and movie theatres are fairly empty and pretty much kid-free as all children are out trick'or'treating.
Host an adult-themed Halloween party
The cult classic movie Mean Girls was famous for its line: "Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it." Well the same is true if you want to dabble with risqué adult-themed parties; Halloween is basically your one night for a free pass. Host a Halloween party for you and any frisky friends and go with sexy and adult themes such as 50 Shades / BDSM, Leather and Lace, Pimps and Ho's or Bad Girls and Naughty Boys. Stock the party with plenty of alcohol and fun adult games that will be sexy but still meet everyone's tastes.

Happy Halloween girls and ghouls!