The weather is getting cold and the January blahs are setting in - it's time to book a vacation! But before you go to a travel agent to book the same old resort like last year, here are a few reasons why you may want to grab your spouse and book a steamy sexcation for just the two of you in time for Valentine's Day.

Life gets in the way at home.
Couples surveyed that booked second honeymoons or sexcations with each other showed that their regular home life passes by at breakneck speed. Even in cases where their romance life was rated as "good" and sex life as "satisfying", there was still a need to make time for a romantic getaway to focus on each other.
Hotel rooms appear to be a natural aphrodisiac.
According to a recent survey and the science behind it, you are more likely to be adventurous, do it for longer and in the end be more satisfied with sex when done away from home. And why not? There's no comparison between a posh hotel room to a staycation at home with the same mattress and sheets. But it isn't all décor and luxury. The fact that you're away from the distractions of home means you're probably out seeing the sights, having a nice dinner and bonding with your partner, and everyone knows sex with your spouse is better when you've established that connection beforehand.
It's never been easier to book a racy adult vacation on your own.
What was once reserved for the underground sex scenes or was limited to hedonist resorts is now only a quick click away with new websites like Kink BnB. With the seediness gone and with plenty of romantic rooms to outright naughty play settings available locally for easy booking at a good price, it's no surprise that more and more married couples and taking the plunge.

In today's economy, it delivers on the dollar.
With most couples feeling the pinch on travel budgets this year, booking a hotel room for a few days with the purpose of spending as much time as possible between the sheets with your spouse is a very affordable and attractive option. Of the couples surveyed, booking for two nights was found to be the ideal median, which is perfect for people who can't afford (or can't stay away from home) longer.
It is the easiest vacation to pack for.
Pack light and pack fun. Make it clear to your spouse what the purpose of the vacation is and make sure you both bring only the items you need (think outfits, toys, games) and maybe a lounge shirt and yoga pants to relax or for when you finally go outside to grab some fresh air and stretch your sore legs.
So think about it ... would your spouse be on board with a sexcation?
When in Seattle, be sure to book a visit at InnThrall for your Kinky Romantic Getaway and Upscale Dungeon needs!