Five Successful Bedroom Habits of Couples With Great Sex Lives
Having a great sex life isn't just about having great sex. For most couples where both partners respond as being extremely satisfied with their sex life there are a lot of things they do together besides actual hanky-panky. A solid sex life isn't built on only a few minutes of heavy breathing and thrusting
So what exactly are those things you may ask? Well here are the top five:

Talking about sexual fantasies.
No surprise here but communication is top of the list. Partners that (a) talk about sex together and (b) know their partner's sexual fantasies and preferences consistently respond with having the most satisfying sex lives. The goal here is not necessarily to act on a fantasy, but fantasy is an important indicator as to sexual preferences giving precious insight to the other partner.
One tip: keep it within your relationship and don't be too specific about what you're dreaming of. For example, your partner may not take kindly to knowing one of your fantasies includes doing it on the photocopier with the new mailroom intern.

Take sex lightly, joke about sex.
As a continuation of the first point, couples that take time to joke about or make fun at the expense of their sex life are the ones that usually show the most satisfaction in their sex life. Joking or having fun keeps the mood light and removes stress such as performance anxiety. Couples with a lighter approach to commenting about sex with each other have a tendency of doing it more frequently and responding better to any feedback their partner may have. Even if things may not always go as planned during a sexual encounter, it's comforting to know that you and your partner can laugh things off. Flirting with your partner through dirty jokes or the odd friendly ribbing here and there will keep sex with your partner fun, fresh and light-hearted.
Browse or shop for sex toys together.
Whether you actually buy the sex toys or not, whether it is in a store or just online while cuddling together with an iPad, shopping for sex toys together is a great couples-building exercise. When combined with the other two points above, browsing everything from a toy you've fantasized about to an oddball curiosity you can joke about with your partner, you will both feel closer after this simple but fun exercise.
Gift sexy and show gratitude sexy.
Couples that bought each other gifts for the sole purpose of sexual relations consistently seem to have the upper hand of better sex lives. Gifts for sex can be used to prolong or make foreplay more exciting and also make a partner feel sexier, or in the other sense, more aroused. Findings show the price tag doesn't really factor in the equation; the fact of simply getting an adult-themed gift for your partner has a way of bonding the couple together as having a strong sexual relationship. As for the receiver of the gift, reciprocating with sexy behaviour (such as modelling a sexy lingerie gift or using the toy immediately) were seen as the responses that solicited the greatest satisfaction from the giver.

Watch porn together.
While you may each have your own personal tastes when it comes to erotica, couples that felt comfortable watching a few short adult clips together deemed that their sex life was more satisfying. And what's not to love? Browsing a safe and relatively adult entertainment site like together with your spouse can be fun, exciting and even give you a few new ideas to try. Take turns or try to pick search topics together to keep the material balanced and enticing for both.