We spoke in our previous article about the rebirth of the sex tape in the age of social media and the surprising shift towards more mainstream adult sites. For couples that get the thrill out of being filmed for others to see, we have some tips from our resident undercover industry insider "Lana" to get you started easily, safely and maximizing your fun.

First, choose a reputable site to upload and understand their terms of use
Before getting started, research what site you would like to use to "air" your movie. Be sure to read all terms and conditions and make all the necessary registration steps. There may be important information on what is and not allowed and what advantages or rights you have over your content.
Lana's opinion is "it's important to shop around and find the right fit for you. Some things that certain sites may impose on you might put you off." Here's what to look for:
1) Research: Be sure to use a site that is reputable and will not bombard you with ads and/or force you to install malware-ridden plugins to perform simple tasks such as uploads. Avoid sites that ask for too much personal information and ask to store credit card numbers for suspicious reasons. Also there are enough good quality free sites so there is no need to pay to create a basic membership.
2) Ease of use: Check that you can remove your content quickly if so desired. You can even test out with a sample, non-compromising video first and see how easy it is to upload, publish and then delete.
3) Look for perks: a site like PornHub.com (warning NSFW!!) meets the first two criteria and also pays you a commission of their ad revenue for views of your video. Sure, you get pennies at first and the first payout only happens at $100, but cash is cash and not bad for investing in a free account.

You need to plan out the filming basics in advance
Before you start filming, you will need to think about a few things first.
"Where to film is one of the most important choices to make. You will need a place that has great lighting, avoiding shadows. You may need to bring in extra lamps. You will need to choose the best spot where you will be able to perform the acts you want to show off on camera.
You will also need to think about where the camera goes, and if you don't want people to recognize your house in the background, a basic level of sanitation to the background is needed to change the look such as hiding personal items, hanging different curtains, or bringing in props."
Pamper and primp yourself, have fun looking the part
"Being on camera allows an escape, it's a chance to play and look like a different version of your usual self and have fun with it". This is definitely true as appearing in front of the lens gives you the chance (dare we say excuse?) to play with your appearance and experiment with your look. How often do you or your spouse go to a higher level of intentional detailing and primping just to have sex? Probably not a lot. The premise of getting dolled up for a sex tape opens the opportunity to do this and have a whole lot of fun in the process. Not only will you look the part, but do it right and you'll feel unbelievable attractive as well too.
"Don't discount spending time on your skin, hair or the use of makeup: even a basic DIY online tutorial can help make you look wild and sexy like never before. I can say it's definitely a must in the business and the trick to looking and feeling confident and sexy when performing."

Take some time to do basic scripting / dress rehearsals
While you can go with just live action recording of a sex session, a fantasy or fictional 'storyline' is what turns your boring voyeur sex tape in a full-fledged porno quality production.
"Ok, you don't need to write your movie lines and rehearse but discuss as a minimum a basic timechart and so-called plot idea with your partner, You need to what the premise is and in what sequence you both want things to unfold" says Lana. "A good amateur sex tape / adult video lasts at least 5 minutes and never goes longer than 10. You will have to end with either an ejaculation or a strong, loud orgasm. It's tradition and what someone watching your video will expect to 'end' the story. But besides that it's up to your imagination, just don't do too much talking and don't take too long to get into the action and showing some skin. You'll lose viewers after thirty seconds if things aren't sexy and interesting. People aren't there watching it for the storytelling and character development. Have fun with it!"
"Ok, you don't need to write your movie lines and rehearse but discuss as a minimum a basic timechart and so-called plot idea with your partner, You need to what the premise is and in what sequence you both want things to unfold" says Lana. "A good amateur sex tape / adult video lasts at least 5 minutes and never goes longer than 10. You will have to end with either an ejaculation or a strong, loud orgasm. It's tradition and what someone watching your video will expect to 'end' the story. But besides that it's up to your imagination, just don't do too much talking and don't take too long to get into the action and showing some skin. You'll lose viewers after thirty seconds if things aren't sexy and interesting. People aren't there watching it for the storytelling and character development. Have fun with it!"
Part of that fun is acting out the scenes while the camera is rolling. It's good to talk to your partner about what you want to do to make sure things go smoothly and if you're alone, make breaks to be able to change the camera angles.
"Yes, you can go with just raw sex action, it's easiest. The one advantage to coming up with a fictional porn-style premise is you can assume a role, a character. Your pornstar alter-ego allows you to do things with your partner that you wouldn't normally do in real life. You can be rougher, innocent or downright nasty. Have fun dressing up and talking the part. Go wild with things you would never wear, say or do with your partner, now is the time. Be bad. Be good. Be what you want to be. It's hot and it opens the door to exciting sex exploration with them."

Set your "studio" up before filming
Lana quickly explains that it's hard to film everything in one continuous shot, and in any case it can be boring to watch when you have only one camera angle.
"If you're using a tripod, you will need to find at least two places in the room to setup the camera and move it in between 'scenes'. One setup should be zoomed out for action shots of the both of you, the bed, etc and you will need at least one for filming the action up close in a comfortable position (we're talking mouth, nipples and genitals). Although it might seem awkward to stop and start, once you edit the shots together with even the most basic video editing software, the change in camera angle and zoom makes the video more watchable"
Choose a nudity level you're both comfortable with
"Nudity and the amount of time your face is on camera is up to you" explains Lana. "Couples that are more open and public will go completely naked and won't care if they are recognizable. Part of the fun in being naked is starting off clothed and getting undressed on camera."
Luckily there are options for those that don't want to be in their birthday suit or are afraid of getting recognized. "Couples that want to be more discreet or are embarrassed of being discovered have ways to get around it too. The video is short enough that you can easily change your appearance by using different clothing, wigs, masks, aggressive makeup techniques, temporary tattoos or donning fetish gear. I recommend to anyone who doesn't want to be recognized to play out a light kink scene and invest in fitted outfits and masks that cover up your distinguishable features. It's hot to dress up and you will be pretty much unrecognizable. It is actually not that uncommon to see these types of videos posted so you'll fit right in."

Have fun filming your movie
"Once you're ready to go, the most important thing is to have fun - I cannot express how important this is" exclaims Lana.
Being on camera and loving it is the essential part of being the pornstar. "It will show on the screen if you're not having fun. You will appear awkward and your facial expressions will seem off. Don't talk too much (a common symptom of nervousness) but be sure to make the right amount of noise when banging it out doing oral. You will have to be loud so it sounds good on camera. Just go with what feels natural and let it out vocally, there is no need to play it up, especially the climax at the end. Just let the feeling drive you and let it come out."
There is homework to do before you upload
Lana gives some tips reminding you that there is work to be done when you are essentially the star, cameraperson, director and producer of your little short video.
"Edit the video in a way that keeps the action moving. When the camera is fixed, you need to rely on the video editing to make your movie look more dynamic. You should avoid static, zoomed out scenes where the thrusting or whatever is happening is only a small part of the shot. There should be enough changes between zoomed-out shots and close-ups, between showing the man and the woman."

"Oh yeah and make sure you're sober when uploading. It's OK to be tipsy when filming if it's more fun for you (no judgement from me), but you definitely want to have all your wits with you when uploading to the internet to avoid doing something stupid".
The last tips from Lana before you delve into the world of cyberporn stardom are pretty straightforward: "Give your amateur movie a good title; nothing cheesy but be descriptive with the right keywords so it accurately describes your video in a fun and sexy way. It should be uploaded into the right category as well. Finally, be sure to pick a good thumbnail(s) as the movie clip preview for the website; the image is pretty much what will get people to choose to watch your video."
One final warning from Lana before we go: "Don't be surprised if this becomes the first of many videos. Newbie couples get surprised by how fun it is to make an amateur sex video and what a rush it is to see yourself on a big name site then seeing the hits pile up as people view what you created. Have fun watching it with your partner and checking out other videos for curiosity and new ideas."
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