The one constant in dating, engagement, marriage, life with kids and growing old together is you and your spouse. You were, are, and always will be a couple. Many issues or problems that arise in a marriage usually boil down to something either going wrong with the couple either by the couple losing touch or lack of communication or understanding of each other. There are ways that you can ensure that even with the busiest lifestyle, you can keep the intimacy, communication and teamwork aspect that is the base and strength of being a couple. Here are a few ways:

Find and build couple goals together.
Talk with your spouse about any goals or aspirations you would like both to build and strive for together. The purpose is not to get them to agree to a pre-conceived idea you have, but rather name a subject, discuss, listen to their opinions and see what you can both dream up together. These goals should be a mix of short-term objectives (where to go on vacation for next summer) or long-term (retirement dreams). This exercise is a great way to ensure you both stay in synch and have a common objective to aspire and look forward to.
Share tasks and run-of-the-mill activities.
Rather than dividing up housework or menial tasks, make it a point to try to tackle certain tasks as a couple. Cooking a dinner together, painting a bedroom or even spending an evening solving a jigsaw puzzle is a great way to keep a connection with your spouse, gives you an excuse to communicate while in close proximity of each other and when the job is down, reminds you of how much you can accomplish together.
Make it a point to have fun together.
Depending on you and your spouse's sense of humour, nothing is better than being able to have innocent, giddy fun between yourselves. Create a series of inside jokes you share only with your spouse. Make it a point to make them laugh at least once a day, whether it's through a practical joke, prank or just being so darn cute to them.
Think about why you're happy to have them.
Take time to stop and look at your life, what you're happy about and what you spouse has done to contribute to this happiness. Are they a great parent to your kids? Do they help you in times of need? Think of what they have done for you recently, a while ago and back when you needed them most. At that point, why not share these things with them?
Relive an old date
Remember that ice cream shop where you had your first kiss? Your favorite restaurant in your old neighbourhood that was your go-to dinner place when dating? Head back and relive an old date and let the memories spring back. If you have kids, you can either leave them with a sitter or bring them along to share this special place with them and add them to the memories.
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