It's hot and steamy in the bedroom - the problem is we mean literally, not figuratively. The mercury may be popping and you're both hot, sticky and uncomfortable; but don't despair, check out these cool tips to still have hot summer sex:

Get a Room
Can't stand the heat at your place? Turn a dinner evening out into an overnight stay in glorious air-conditioned comfort by grabbing a hotel room. The sex will be great and refreshing while picking a low-demand night (middle of the week) will keep you form breaking the bank.
Try Summer Sex Positions
Yes, that's right - there are summer sex positions. Check out these specially designed hot weather sex positions to help you and your partner cool off while making it hot - whether it be in bed, the bathtub or the pool.
Go Outside
Got your pool all to yourself and no one is watching? Found a nice secluded picnic spot under the trees? Doing it outside where you can bare to the breeze is an easy way to beat the heatwave... if you're up for that kind of stuff.
Go Commando
Nothing is less sexy than knowing you're hot and sweaty down under. Easy solution? Leave the underwear at home and go with a long, flowy dress. You won't just stay cooler and drier, but you'll feel more frisky too. Men, same thing applies when going with light-material trousers to make things breathable.

Take a Raincheck on Oral Sex
Even when going commando, the last thing you need is the body heat of your partner's genitals on your already scorched tongue. Avoid a bad sensory experience and save this activity for a milder day or for after the air conditioner repairman visits. If you really can't help yourself, then we suggest ...
Use a Shower as Foreplay
Hop in the shower with your spouse and play while rinsing each other off under a lukewarm spray. It will help cool you down and wash off any body sweat or odor you can attribute to the humidex. If you can finish the deed in the stall, all the better.

Rip Up The Lawn
Shaving or waxing your pubic hair is one way to keep your fun zones better suited to play during hot, sticky weather. You will be less susceptible to caking on sweat or generating a non-appealing gym sock odor, and a quick wipe will be all you need to feel spring fresh despite the summer heat.
Have a good summer vacation everyone!
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