Monday, 4 July 2016

The Health Downsides of Not Getting Enough Sex

The downsides of a dry spell are more than just sexual frustration.

There are many health benefits to maintaining a up-and-running sex life with your spouse. Beyond the general popular conceptions the physical advantages of regular sex isn't just about improving your mood or "blowing off steam" after a hard day. You'd be surprised at what exactly suffers in terms of mental and physical health when you're not getting enough:

Weight gain

Don't discount the benefits of sexercise. Although it depends on your weight, age, duration and position, a sexual encounter can burn anywhere from 60 to 300 calories. "A standard, run-of-the-mill quickie with your spouse will on average burn 100 calories... if you're dropping from twice a week to zero, chances are you're not trudging on the treadmill more often to compensate". As a result, with the loss of this bonus exercise you may experience weight gain and a depreciation of cardiovascular health.

Your stress levels increase

Sex releases the natural hormones oxytocin (the feel good hormone) and endorphins (the pain-fighting hormone). A recent study links regular intercourse with stress-reducing effects including lower blood pressure. That is why with less sex, you will feel more stressed and tense. While masturbation may be better than nothing, the same study found that only doing the real thing with your partner delivers the whole package of benefits.

Loss of libido

Findings show that less sex can lead to a loss of libido and a harder time to get aroused. It's even worse for men: applying the old adage of "use or lose it", men can suffer more severe physical symptoms ranging from the onset of early erectile dysfunction to premature ejaculation, especially once they hit the age of 55.

Your immune system loses its punch

Regular sexual activity has been proven in recent studies to increase the levels of the immune boosting IgA protein by as much as 30% . Why? Sex triggers the body's natural reaction to ready the immune system to prevent infection from any unwanted bacteria that may have entered the body during sexual activity; and it is just as effective in helping you fight off any cold or flu bugs you may have picked up.

Psychological warfare

The psychological effects of lack of sex vary in scope and magnitude, but eventually take a toll on your psyche and body. You can experience everything from shifts in your dream patterns, growing apart from your partner as you feel less attractive / attracted, you can lose self-esteem or as relationship expert and author April Masini forewarns you can eventually lose the urge to have sex altogether. The effect appears worse on women, with some researchers going as far as calling semen an anti-depressant.

Loss of health for your genitals and reproductive organs

While sex can reduce the risk of urinary track infections, in general there are still some significant downsides. In females, less sex can lead to a weakness in the vaginal walls and require Kegel exercises to maintain health. For men, less sex can lead to more serious illnesses as direct links were made with the onset of prostate cancer in later years. In fact, the same study recommended a staggering 21 (!!!) ejaculations per month as a protective measure against the future development of prostate cancer.

So please take our advice: ditch the apple and keep the doctor away by leading a regular, healthy sex life for both you and your spouse's wellbeing. Need we say more?

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