Every year Valentine's Day can be a source of stress to couples, for newly married as well as those in the late stages of married life. What gift can I possibly give my spouse to show my appreciation and to make it different from last year? Being original definitely helps and is a great way to keep the feeling romantic and fun. So if you're looking for something new, have a look at these ides below:

"Dirty" Underwear
Here's a great one for anyone who is crafty or a do-it-yourself master. Grab a bunch of blank underwear (sexy or comfy, coloured or white, it's your choice) and personalize them with your own sexy photos, messages or dirty innuendo for your spouse. Some starter ideas to get you inspired:
- Use DIY iron-on transfers to stamp the undies with photos of you in strategic places. Use your best facial expressions to be funny or sexy; or pose so it seems like you are helping point out or hold things up. Too shy to grace the fabric with your own beautiful mug? Use photos of other objects that can allude to inside jokes you two share
- Sketch a treasure map or create a step-by-step instruction manual for the body parts in the area
- Use permanent marker to scribble a love note or label on cute terms you use with each other
- Dip your hands in t-shirt colouring and leave hand prints on the butt cheeks
- Go full tacky: pop cheesy photos of you two all over so deep down under you're never apart :0)

Treat them to an Aphrodisiac Dinner
Going out for dinner to celebrate Valentines' Day is a given - but why not skip the Olive Garden and make the evening a prelude to one heck of a night when you get home?
Scour local menus well in advance to see who serves dishes laden with sure-fire proven items like oysters (heightens arousal), avocado (energy boost), pine nuts (heavy in energizing zinc), olive oil (hormone production) or pumpkin seeds (testosterone-booster).
And of course don't forget dessert: grab a coffee to up your heart rate and make sure you choose a dish that has heavy doses of chocolate (for a swift dopamine spike), honey (its boron regulates estrogen and testosterone) and any fine fruits such as cherries, bananas, strawberries, watermelon or pomegranate which only help getting the heart pumping and your energy levels up for a long night in the sack.
Bedside Sex Goodie Bag
Set up a mutual gift exchange where you and your partner go on a mission to stuff a small sack with 5 items from a sex shop for under a set dollar amount ($30-40 is usually more than plenty) . Wrap each item individually and keep your gift from the other spouse on your side of the bed. During the course of the following evenings, each draw one gift from the bag to use. To add to the fun, you can write sexy instructions, scenarios or positions to play out on the items.

Give them your Valentine's Night "Audition Tape"
Rather than a boring old card, fire up your computer / phone camera and record a two or three minute fictional "audition tape" video proving to your spouse that you would be their best choice of partner for a steamy Valentine's Night.
Choose a standard setting like your bedroom, sofa or even your workplace (if you dare). Dress the part, then give a monologue or question/answer type interview addressing any subjects you think would make your partner get turned on, chuckle or blush, all with the point of "winning the audition" to be their Valentine's Night fling. Showcase or outright make-up your hidden talents; use props to demonstrate your sexual prowess (recurring popular items are a banana for women and a pudding / yoghurt cup to clean out with your tongue for men) or show-off any signature moves that should help you win. No need to get fancy but if you're handy with basic video-editing software you can really have a lot of fun with the end product.
Then, plop the video confidentially in their email inbox or private social media platform on Valentine's Day morning; or if you prefer just deliver it in person on a tablet or smartphone when you see them.
Need inspiration? Do an internet search on sexy audition tapes and inspire yourself with ones like this funny YouTube classic.

Personalized Boudoir Photography Items
Interest in boudoir (and dude-doir for men) always peaks around Valentines' Day as people look to make themselves the object of sexy photo gift. We already have tons of ideas here on how to gift boudoir photos as well tips on how to do a boudoir photoshoot yourself if desired.
Going to a professional boudoir photographer can help get better quality photos as well as access to more props: think of a picture of you sprawled out on their favorite automobile or getting the help of some graphic layout magic to become the cover girl on their favorite magazine (special sexy edition of course).
One of the best boudoir photo gifts we've remembered remains a sultry picture taken wearing their spouse's favorite professional sport athlete's jersey (and not much else) ... and then getting it autographed (!!!!) by that same player. For the record, the player wrote a personalized message that also outlined how lucky the recipient was to be married to the star of the photo. Brownie points galore.
Happy Valentines' Day everyone!
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