The art of pegging (anal sex of the male by the female using an object simulating a penis) has been a subject that has gained popularity in recent years. It still remains a fairly "niche" sexual experience that a greater number of women (and men) are exploring in heterosexual relationships, including marriage.
For women, the curiosity factor and novelty is hard to beat: most women that are fans of pegging liken it to no other sexual encounter they have had, as they get to thrust into their partner and watch them moan and groan in pleasure under them (a complete role reversal). The most popular toys are made "double-ended" that allow the woman to feel vaginal and / or clitoral stimulation while performing the act. For men, a growing number of males are identifying themselves as a "bend over boyfriend" and finding pleasure from having the woman drive the sexual experience, all while getting a highly underrated prostate massage that usually leads to an explosive organism few men can beat with straight vaginal intercourse. Various new models of strap-on, remote and couples toys have entered the market due to the high demand of this growing practice, giving couples plenty of options on how to best explore this latest and increasingly popular trend.
Thinking of trying it or at least broaching the subject with your spouse? Well here's what you should know if you're interested:

It's relatively new and it's getting more popular each year
The whole idea of prostrate stimulation in heterosexual men for sexual pleasure / climax entered the modern mainstream back to 1998 with the introduction of the concept of the "bend over boyfriend". Greater coverage, discourse and research continued through most of the 2000s and the practice gained popularity in recent years. A surge in new sex toy products points to the unexpected growth in interest of the practice, both for female fantasy or for male pleasure in the past two years. Pegging was front and center in the media in 2015 as dildos got a cameo is several popular series (including also being a fashion statement for Miley Cyrus ) which then translated to a surge in pegging popularity in 2016 as one of the newest sexual trend in heterosexual couples.
While it's fun for the woman, it's actually most pleasurable for the guy. Talk about it
About one in three women have fantasized about pegging and inversed penetration roles. While the number is lower in men wanting to be on the receiving end, there has still been considerable growth and openness in recent years. Although understandable, the hesitance in males is odd given that anal penetration and prostrate stimulation during sex is actually more highly pleasurable for the male.
Like with any sexual desire or curiosity, communication with your spouse is the key and it's important to have open, honest discussions without judgements. As a minimum, you should be able to talk to your spouse and research the act together (including the heightened stimulation to the male) to get more information and see if it's something you would want to pursue.

You don't need to change your foreplay routine (unless you want to)
One thing to highlight is that pegging does not mean you need to drastically change the way you and your partner get your engines going, or suddenly forego the foreplay. Neither does it mean that if you plan on pegging you suddenly "become the man" and he "becomes the woman". Stepping out of the bathroom dressed with a cannon-barrel dildo strapped to your pelvis isn't the only way to introduce or use pegging in a sexual encounter.
Pegging should be part of a fun evening of sexual intimacy between you and your spouse; when you start and for how long you do it varies on what you both want. You can even have your partner penetrate you vaginally before putting on the toy. If you are using a double-ended sex toy, have your male partner play with you and then insert your end as part of the foreplay as a sign that they are ready and you are clear to go. Doing this will let you know your male partner is sufficiently aroused and is giving you the green light to start on him. A gradual switchover of the penetration position is always an easier, sexier and less awkward approach for beginners.
Start small and lubricate
If your male partner has never experimented with anal sex before, it is best to start small. Look for a product that is small in diameter (think two tampons together) and of the length of the your longest finger. A smooth product is also recommended for beginners and you can experiment with different shapes, curves and ribbing afterwards if desired. In all cases, use lots of lube. This point cannot be stressed enough. Some lubes exist with numbing agents (Proctosedyl or Rectinol) which help if you plan to have a long session.

One recommended way to ease your hesitant or shy male spouse into pegging would be to have him experiment with an anal plug during normal vaginal sex first. Have your male partner insert a small, lubricated anal plug on their own privately before intercourse. Most sex shops will sell anal plugs or prostate massagers with methods of attaching to the base of the male penis; or, go with a low profile model that can be held in place with a strap or specially fitted underwear once fully inserted. Discuss with your partner and have them choose a size of their liking and try it a few times during vaginal sex so they get more familiar with the additional anal / prostate sensations during climax. You can then convert to having the toy on you at a time where he feels more comfortable with the added stimulation and also knows what to expect.
Pegging doesn't mean either of you is suddenly gay, bisexual or an ultra-kink
One common misconception is that pegging means that either (or both) of you is showing signs of homosexuality (not that there is anything wrong with that) when nothing can be farther from the truth. Anal play does not exclusively happen in homosexual attraction; the anal area including the surrounding skin is a highly sensitive erogenous zone and male anal play allows stimulation of the prostate, the closest equivalent in a male to clitoral stimulation. Wanting to drive your partner crazy with stimulation of these areas (or having it done to yourself) has no link to a reduction in your heterosexuality.
On the other hand, while pegging may mean you're more sexually adventurous it does not necessarily mean that you automatically fall into a secret, underground kinky sex lifestyle. Sex toys used for pegging are available in most common sex shops and are destined for use by everyday couples; sales figures would indicate that the practice is becoming much more mainstream than originally thought. While the use of prostate stimulators and strap-on dildos are common in heavier kink encounters, it is not mutually exclusive and not every use of pegging means it has to be a female-on-male kinky rape fantasy.

It's becoming one of the most private, intimate and confidential sexual acts between couples today
A recent article labeled pegging as the ultimate act to save for marriage. With most couples in present times already having multiple partners before meeting their spouse, the "male anal virginity" in heterosexual couples has become the new holy grail of finally popping a cherry with that special someone. And to be honest, who else but your spouse should you share this new experience with?
Happy trails, my sexy readers
Pegging would be amazing with my wife...a true romantic experience. I took her virginity and I would give her my anal virginity. Love you,babe