How to play:
1. Find the busiest window in your house (anything ground level, facing the street, or the noisy backyards of your neighbours is a good candidate).
2. Open the window so that you can hear everything going on outside, if possible, choose
a time of day when there is enough activity happening.
3. Lie down with your partner directly below the window (use a blanket and pillows), out of sight to the outside world but close enough that you’ll have to careful to not stand up or be too loud.
4. Drive each other wild with your best foreplay tricks and climax while taking care not to be heard or seen by anyone outside.

Why this is so hot:
This game is a good compromise as the chances of being heard or seen doing something indecent are very real if you're not careful, yet the risk is fairly low. There’s nothing naughtier than holding in the moans and whimpers of your orgasm as your partner whispers to you to “shhh, keep quiet or else people will hear us”.
Window Mannequin
How to play:
1. Like above, find the busiest window in your house (anything ground level or facing the street or noisy backyards of your neighbours is a good candidate).
2. Open the window so that you can hear everything going on outside, ensure you’ve chosen a time of day when there is enough activity happening. If playing at night, set the light level in the room to something you’re comfortable with so you're visible from outside.
3. Stand in front of the window with your arms in front of you, holding the sill or casing. Make sure anyone outside can only see you from the waist up and do not move.
4. Have your partner crawl under the window sill and remove your pants / skirt and underwear, all while still being out of view. Let them start teasing you with their fingers or a toy and/or applying oral sex.
5. Try to reach a full climax: see how long you can last without giving yourself away. Be sure you can quickly drop out of sight if required.

Why this is so hot:
This game will put you more “out there” than the first but it will be one of the most exciting semi-public sexual encounters you will have without going full exhibitionist. Bonus points if while going down on your exposed partner you ask them if anyone is looking.
Have fun you naughty devils ;0)
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