While earlier this week we discussed travelling away form home for a sexy getaway with your spouse, not everyone is able to leave it all behind and travel at will. For those that prefer to stay at in, there is good news - bring the novelty and excitement of a sex-filled getaway right into your home by creating an easy DIY naughty room.

What is a naughty room? Think of it as a room that you can convert easily in a few minutes into an adult playroom that you use on special occasions. The purpose of the room is to create a fun, sexy space to allow for you and your partner to have sex like you can have nowhere else in the house. An oasis, an escape from the mundane and routine of everyday life. With a naughty room, you will bring novelty (a natural aphrodisiac) and excitement to your sexual encounter and also have a lot of fun personalizing and evolving your setup with your spouse. See our tips below on how to make one in your home.

So where to create a naughty room? Well for starters if you want novelty that means anywhere but where you usually would have sex, so cross your bedroom off the list. Besides this, any room can be converted into an adult playroom. Choose the room based on size and space, as well as any features you may find interesting during your activities (Jacuzzi tub? TV and camera setup? Fireplace?). Think about areas tucked away and far from sleeping children or attached neighbours if you think things can get loud. Also don't rule out basement rooms - the "industrial" setting of an unfinished basement can easily be turned into something surprisingly erotic with a little creativity.
Set the mood
Create a sexy mood by covering walls, unneeded furniture, personal portraits or anything else unsexy by sticking on drapes or covering with cloth sheets / blankets. A visit to a fabric store or a used decor / clothing store can yield items of very good quality and snazzy style (small shag area rug anyone?).
Nothing sets the mood like the right lighting - cover existing lights with transparent pink, purple or red plastic sheets from an arts and crafts store for a sultry effect. Or, forego the lightswitch altogether an find safe locations for candles (bonus points if scented).
Finally, make the area comfortable by adding pillows or other accessories that go with your theme.
Now time to fill the room with play areas and toys for you and your partner. Think about any fun or wild new things you can try in this new space. Chairs and tables can be dressed up and used as furniture for trying new sex positions. You can make a cozy corner for you and your partner to get frisky in. A TV can be used to roll erotic films in the background while you play. Think about covering an area with plastic sheeting or shower curtains if you plan on things getting messy (break out the Sam's Club-sized chocolate syrup honey!).
If you are interested in dabbling with some BDSM, you can buy kits at a local sex store that convert bedframes and doorways into a red-room-of-pain-worthy dungeon setup. Or, a quick Google search will show you to easily convert standard furniture using everyday items into your own private bondage setup without breaking the bank.

Find a locking box that you can keep hidden somewhere in the room and fill it with adult games and special sex toys. Having everything in one place will give you something quick to pull out when using the naughty room.

Make it fun
With your partner, find fun ways to use the room by setting the mood with things you wouldn't normally do in the bedroom. Think of going with themes (master / slave night), making up fun rules (shhh - no talking tonight, just sex) or giving each other specific dress codes (all black or role-playing costumes). You can also each create a bank of sexy scenarios to play out and seal them in individual envelopes, then open one randomly each time you use the naughty room.
Keep it simple
Don't get carried away by overcomplicating your setup by comparing to the fancier types of naughty rooms you see on TV (like the one made popular in the Real Housewives series). While having things like a stripper pole or creating your own private dungeon can be fun, the beauty of a true DIY naughty room is that it is something that can be setup on a whim in about 5 minutes. Try to keep the items required to set up the room together in a discrete location closeby, and send your partner off to freshen up while you do the setup.
Now off to your rooms, you naughty little ones :0)
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