Check out all the standard photo print ideas.
You'd be surprised on how many options are out there on digital printing websites. Choose from classic options such as tasteful photobooks, enlargements and artistic prints or go fun and wacky with things like printed coffee cups and even pillows (!!!). Ideally, search and pick your print options before taking your photos so you can tailor the shots to the end product. With a bit of planning, you can even make that special someone a season-themed calendar where you're the cover model for every month.

Hijack their favorite monthly magazine.
Is you significant other a fan of Maxim, Sports Illustrated or Cosmo? With a bit of creativity and some basic photo-editing software skills, intercept their monthly delivery and add some pages you printed yourself of your sizzling boudoir spread. Add personalized text for your spouse to the photo pages in the form of pullquotes just like the real magazines do, and/or print a quick self-interview with yourself about your turn-ons and favorite things to do in bed. For the cover, using full-size decal print paper and borrowing the magazine logo in a photo-editing graphic program can make you the cover model in a flash. Leave the magazine somewhere for them to find (but not accidentally take to work with them, unless you're into that.)
Surprise that special someone on social media.
Wait, whaaa? Put my private photos on a social media site? Well yes - but done carefully. First of all, leaving racy photos on a hard drive somewhere isn't 100% safe to begin with and social media in recent years has had much tighter security measures applied. So here's what to do: create an "avatar" profile on a social media site that your significant other frequents. Choose a fun name that will make sure your spouse will recognize that it is you. Bump up the security settings to their maximum: make yourself unsearchable, un-taggable, etc. Once you've set up the account, add some of the photos from your shoot. If you're still feeling a bit shy, choose only photos where you're fairly unrecognizable (bodyshot close-ups, silhouette shots, artistic blurs). Be sure the photos do not violate any of the website policies. Surprise your spouse with the hottest friend request or follow they will ever receive. The best part is the photos will be always accessible to them even if they're on the road.

Make a series of sexy notecards
Printing a deck of notecards graced with sexy images of yourself is something that will come in handy all year long. You can use the notecards over time to leave your partner with special flirty messages or use them as invitations to an intimate night together with you. Or, arrange the photo shots such that each notecard shows you getting more and more into a state of becoming undressed, then write clues on them and set them up as an in-house treasure hunt where your significant other is led from card to card and finally finds you at the end.
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